
Monday, September 13, 2010

From Sabbath year to Sabbatical

Number Two. Another non-fiction book. In German. I have published. 'Twas to be a project with a Berlin-based art historic publisher that came to naught. No other publisher I contacted was interested, nor the literary agent I work with. So there it lay in a cupboard (digital, computer, these days).

When a friend of mine recently published a thriller, partly set in China, via books-on-demand, I figured: "Me too". Die Wandlungsreise (transforming travel, the metamorphosing trip, the voyage of change ....) is a brief cultural history of the sabbatical - investigating the links between the ancient sabbath year and the 'sabbatical' of our days (nobody has written about this so far, it seems) - enveloped in episodes of my sabbatical travels in Italy (2005) and reflections upon them (later). Some photos are mingled in and there's an index, with travel tipps and brief descriptions of artists mentioned - who created works with grotesques, during the Renaissance (the topic, which fuelled my sabbatical travels). Naturally, I very much hope that some of you shall want to read it!

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