
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Laughing through the Crisis

Current financial and economic news are no laughing matter, though the crisis we're living through does not seem to hit one in the face, but rather peter around. For how long? Diversion by amusement is a good avoidance technique. French and Saunders recently got a British TV award. Those of you who have appreciated their 'Absolutely Fabulous' comedy series will surely understand why. Though my favourite French and Saunders miniteleplay remains their taking the piss of Bergman, the swedish film director. This take on the manic-depressive renders any financial crisis pathetic. Quite close comes Dawn French's spoof of Icelandic singer Bjork. Never has riding on a truck through London been funnier. Apparently, the comedy duo are touring in Australia this year for the first and last time. I do so very much hope that the duo will, at least one more time, create a new comedy series for television.