
Monday, February 23, 2009

When in love, go to Venice

and bring your wellies, if you intend to visit this most wonderful of laguna cities. Jan and I did not, which is just as well, as it gave me the perfect excuse of purchasing stivali pescatori (fishermen's rubber boots) to splash through the high tide. We bought our wellies in a charming household goods store in the San Polo quarter. This involved walking to the store's little warehouse rooms, where Gianni searched through big boxes to show us the newest wellie models. We then paid for our wellie selection, back at the store.
Breathtaking: the Ca' Rezzonico, Venice's 18th century museum palazzo, remains one of the most beautiful museums I've enjoyed to date (PS: You can look at tons of images of the ex- and interior on the web). It now has a huge collection of 18th century painting at the top, from whose windows you can wonder at the impressive panorama reaching to the snow-capped Alps, beyond the town and laguna waters. Simply wonderful!

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